At Youth Encounter, we are dedicated to creating a safe and empowering environment where young people in Aotearoa New Zealand can discover their potential and live life wide open. By leaving a bequest to Youth Encounter in your will, you can make a lasting impact on the lives of future generations. Your gift will ensure that we continue to provide transformative programmes and support for young people, helping them to build resilience, find purpose, and thrive.

"Youth Encounter provides an incredible service, and I honestly can't praise enough the support they offer to Rangatahi. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the profound impact they’ve made on students facing highly complex backgrounds.” - Referrer

Types of Bequests


A specific dollar amount or asset (such as property, stocks, or valuable items).


The remainder of your estate after other bequests and expenses have been fulfilled.


A percentage of your estate’s value.


A gift that only takes effect if certain conditions are met (for example, if other beneficiaries predecease you).

How to Leave a Bequest?

Including Youth Encounter in your will is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Consult Your Lawyer: Talk to your lawyer about updating your will to include a bequest to Youth Encounter.

  2. Decide on Your Gift: You can choose to leave a specific amount, a percentage of your estate, or a residual bequest (what remains after other gifts and expenses have been distributed).

  3. Include Our Details: Ensure your lawyer includes our full name and details in your will.
    Address:  Youth Encounter Ministries Trust
    196 Roydon Downs Road
    R D 9
    Te Puke 3189
    Charity Registration Number: CC48898

  4. Notify Us: While not required, we encourage you to let us know if you have included Youth Encounter in your will. This allows us to thank you personally and keep you informed about our work.

Thank you for considering a bequest to Youth Encounter. Your generosity will help us continue to provide a supportive community where young people can discover their strengths, build resilience, and live their lives to the fullest. Together, we can create a brighter future for the youth of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Contact Us

Please contact us for more information or to speak to someone about this:

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