Getting on the Live Life Wide Open Track with our powerful theory of transformation

Our Theory of Change (TOC) or as we like to put it, 'Theory of Transformation' leverages from eight learning modules to facilitate an intentional delivery, empowering young people to unleash their potential by shifting their mindset, ultimately leading to transformative changes in behaviour.

In our approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Narrative Therapy, and our faith perspective form the foundational pillars that underpin the Live Life Wide Open modules. CBT provides practical tools to challenge and reframe negative thought patterns, empowering individuals to adopt healthier perspectives and behaviours. Narrative Therapy, on the other hand, encourages individuals to explore and reconstruct their personal narratives, fostering a sense of agency and resilience as they craft their own stories of growth and redemption.

Additionally, our faith in God infuses the modules with hope, love, and grace, offering spiritual guidance and support to those navigating life's challenges. Together, these therapeutic modalities and spiritual beliefs synergistically contribute to the holistic development and empowerment of individuals as they journey towards unleashing their incredible potential.

At the heart of Youth Encounter’s Theory of Change is the foundational belief that connection is always the starting point. We understand that true transformation begins with meaningful connections, as these relationships are pivotal to human development and healing. Our FACE values—Faith, Acceptance, Connection, and Empowerment—are deeply person-centered, facilitating environments where young people feel seen, heard, and accepted for who they are. By prioritizing genuine communication and connection, we create spaces where individuals can flourish and begin their journey of transformation.

"Youth Encounter provides an incredible service, and I honestly can't praise enough the support they offer to Rangatahi. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the profound impact they’ve made on students facing highly complex backgrounds. The strategies they use and the way they empower students to navigate life challenges become lifelong tools for managing emotional difficulties. Every student deserves to feel valued in their community, and Youth Encounter goes above and beyond to ensure our students experience that. Each student carries their own story, and through their programs, YE helps our youth recognise their worth. I’m deeply grateful to YE for their ongoing support of our students and whānau."
- Referrer

Youth Encounter uses the Mauri Ora Spectrum to guide our approach in nurturing the well-being of young people. This ensures we meet rangatahi where they are and support their holistic development across physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. Mauri ora represents a state of balanced life force, where one is alive, well, and vibrant. When your mauri is supported and enhanced, you can confidently express your cultural identity in all spaces and places, regardless of who you are or where you come from.

Mauri Moe - Untapped Potential: This state of being is withdrawn with expressions of isolation, pain, anguish and sorrow. There is darkness and inactivity.

Mauri Oho - Being Awakened: This state of being indicates courage and locating inner strength. Interest has been sparked and there is a newfound willingness to participate.

Mauri Ora - Transformative Potential: This state of being has full awareness of and engages in purpose, identity, inspiration and motivation for the future. There is growth, hope and life.

Here are our eight modules that create a powerful track forward;

  • Module one: Connection/Tūhonotanga – creating safety & belonging through meeting each person where they are at with acceptance. Tūhonotanga understands the relationships we are connected to in our world. To whakapapa, whānau and whenua.

  • Module two: Responsibility/Takohanga – uncovering the incredible potential each person is created with and are responsible for unleashing. Takohanga recognizes the individual and collective roles and responsibilities. it requires courage, openness and a willingness to challenge.

  • Module three: Direction/Arotahi – inquiring and exploring the direction a person’s life is headed. Arotahi carries the meaning of a focus in one direction, looking above the horizon while having a common focus that unites us.

  • Module four: Superposition/Kihirua – empowering a growth mind-set towards a person’s potential. Kihirua means to change one‘s mind. The process that we go through when we learn, grow and develop.

  • Module five: Growth/Ngahunga – letting go of the past and focusing forward to step into future possibilities of growth. Ngahunga is being aware of the priorities that exist in our worlds and pursuing them to be our focal points

  • Module six: Choices/Rangatiratanga – choosing the opportunities and a pathway that will create a better future. Rangatiratanga is having one’s voice heard and having opportunities for developing knowledge so that choice-making can be strengthened

  • Module seven. Freedom/Te Aranga – experiencing freedom in the journey of potential unleashed. Te Aranga encompasses restoration, revitalization and regenerating. New life and freedom from the old.

  • Module eight. Celebration/Puāwai – validating the growth process and effort to Live Life Wide Open. Puāwai means to blossom or come to fruition. A time to celebrate and tautoko success.


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